Sell your Old Books in the Gosport and Fareham area
Richard Martin Gallery originally opened as a bookshop in Gosport in 1980. If you have books that you wish to sell then do please contact us - we are always looking to buy books on all subjects.
We would also be interested if you wish to sell any diaries and journals, maps, postcards, photographs, old brochures and advertising material, prints, posters, and anything else on paper.
If you have anything that you wish to sell then do please do bring your books in to us at the gallery and we will be happy to have a look at what you have, or send us a list using the 'Contact us' page above. Alternatively call us on 023 9252 0642 or send an email to and send us a few images.
Often, our customers are looking for reassurance when sorting through the attic or when they have come into possession of an inherited collection of books, and we are always happy to give you an honest assessment and possibly make you an offer. We can also come out to your car and look through your boot to save you bringing them in to the gallery.